June 1, 2012

Time For Some Sexy New Shoes

Do you ever have one of those weekends where every possible event happens on the same day? It’s almost as if my life just isn’t busy enough these days … Good lord, I never thought a woman in her so-called "prime" would get so tired.

Apart from an invite to play hockey (long story), take my Little Man to an out-of-town baseball tournament (thank heaven for carpool favours) and a few others, my little appointment book is bursting at the seams.

Despite all the options, I have one major event that I will not miss – the wedding of one of my friends from work. I love weddings, and especially the opportunity to get all dressed up. Most of my life is spent in work clothes, or slothing around the house in something comfy. I know that comes as quite a shocker – given all the naughty lingerie you see me wearing on my website. So when I get the chance to dress up (quite a bit more now for work or to party), I like to go all out. But I think you have also managed to see that side of me too!

There's going to be some serious "glam" at this wedding, and I'll have no worries about really putting it on for a change. Plus this weekend is also supposed to bring some nice weather, which means I am going for the sexy new LBD and stiletto heels look. Heck, I might even paint my nails!

Wearing sexy shoes remains one of life’s big challenges for me. Because I work in an environment that has some strict rules about footwear, finding heels that comply is difficult … not to mention finding heels I can stand to wear for a full day of marathonesque running. It’s a bigger challenge for my husband for his fashion sense. He openly admits to be a shoe-slut, and quietly endures my more sensible Monday-Friday choices.

This time around though, I found a great pair of heels to go with my new dress. So in honour of a sexy stiletto Saturday, I found this little bit on the Internet about why high heels are the sexiest shoes:

The stuff you strut is more sensual when you're up on your toes, says Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes author Jena Pincott: "Heels force your pelvis to tilt so that both your rear end and chest stick out." One study showed that leg lengths 5 per cent longer than average are the most attractive, so for most women, a 1.5- to 3-inch heel would create the ideal leg length.

"This attraction might be evolutionary, because long legs are associated with better long-term health, which would appeal to a mate. Plus, much like a peacock flaunts his feathers, which are really quite heavy and a nuisance, a woman teetering in heels can show off her fitness and coordination."

If I had to pick one body part that I could say I was confident over, it would be my legs (not trying to be vain here guys, just sharing what some of you seem to suggest to me ...). I think if I was able to be more stylish on an everyday basis, maybe I'd play it up a bit more and show them off. You know, draw the attention down and away from other bits I'm not so OK with right now.

But a sexy set of stilettos also means a little prep work.

When Marilyn Monroe had her stilettos made uneven heights to accentuate her hip-wiggle, she understood the power of high heels. Ridiculous, to be sure, but her point might have been this: If you're going to wear heels, wear them well.
  1. Posture is critical. Keep your spine upright and slightly arched, and shoulders back to avoid hunching over.
  2. Start with one foot coming out at a slight outward angle, striking with the heel first. As you walk, continue the heel-toe step.
  3. Minding your posture – imagine there's a string in your head, pulling you up – use your arms and hips to change the centre of rotation in your body. As your hips rotate one way, your shoulders should angle slightly the other way for balance.
  4. Shorten your stride. It's easy to spot someone unaccustomed to heels by her klumping, bouncing footfall and hunched back.
  5. Loosen up. It's all in the hips. If they're too stiff, your gait will be off and you'll end up off-balance.
  6. Start with shorter heels and wear them around the house, especially if they're new. Walking over a variety of surfaces like carpet and tile will help too.
  7. Carry bandages in your purse at all times.
Anyway ... done properly, that power of the high heel will translate into wobbly knees later on – and that has nothing to do with the actual heel!

So, time to trade in the sensible sneakers for a little glam ... I can't wait!
Andee     xoxo 


Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous ~ Pete

Jack and Jill said...

Looking fabulous as always! The shoes suit you perfectly! Thanks for the tips - I imagine we males have little or no idea how much effort goes into wearing those beautiful things.


H said...

Love the shoes. By the way it is my opinion that a woman can never own enough shoes.

You nakes in the yellow heels is exactly my point, how many pairs of shoes did you have to buy to get to that pair :)