January 15, 2011

Stilettos | Hip Wiggles On The Hunt

Nothing like a great pair of shoes for a sexy weekend ...

Hey guys! Only a quickie for this very snowy Saturday morning. Hubby has one of my little men at hockey practice and when he gets home we’re off to find me a sexy pair of heels for the night. A friend of ours is getting married and, while I have the dress picked out, I felt like I wanted something fresh to go with it. Of course, hubby has a thing for high heels, and the prospect of some good times after the nuptials makes it easy to convince him to take me to the mall.

This is the second go-round for both bride and groom, so it’s not going to be one of those crazy Cinderella affairs (oops, maybe the wrong word … lol). I’m really looking forward to just going out and having a reason to celebrate with a few other couples we are friends with.
I absolutely LOVE these shoes!

The one thing I do love about weddings is getting all dressed up and going out and having a great time. Of course, that also means a delightful change in shoes - as I have to wear relatively sensible footwear at work. But a sexy set of stilettos also means a little prep work. This is something I found a while back and have been waiting for the right time ... and nothing like today!

When Marilyn Monroe had her stilettos made uneven heights to accentuate her hip-wiggle, she understood the power of high heels. Ridiculous, to be sure, but her point might have been this: If you're going to wear heels, wear them well.
  1. Posture is critical. Keep your spine upright and slightly arched, and shoulders back to avoid hunching over.
  2. Start with one foot coming out at a slight outward angle, striking with the heel first. As you walk, continue the heel-toe step.
  3. Minding your posture -- imagine there's a string in your head, pulling you up -- use your arms and hips to change the centre of rotation in your body. As your hips rotate one way, your shoulders should angle slightly the other way for balance.
  4. Shorten your stride. It's easy to spot someone unaccustomed to heels by her klumping, bouncing footfall and hunched back.
  5. Loosen up. It's all in the hips. If they're too stiff, your gait will be off and you'll end up off-balance.
  6. Start with shorter heels and wear them around the house, especially if they're new. Walking over a variety of surfaces like carpet and tile will help too.
  7. Carry bandages in your purse at all times.
Anyway ... done properly, that power of the high heel will translate into wobbly knees later on - and that has nothing to do with the actual heel!


CB said...

I need these shoes bitch!!!

Andee said...

How about these: http://macala.onsugar.com/Brass-Knuckle-Stiletto-Heels-4706286

That would knock-em out!